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                                 Marketing Campaigns - Including Social Media                              





Augur marketing excels at managing multi-channel campaigns which include social media, video, promotional events and direct marketing.

We follow Panda & Penguin algorithm & rank keywords ethically on Search Engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

The examples below include work that we performed during Marketing Campaigns for the launch of a company called Qtect in Washington, DC, and the launch of the online presence for Qtect is an interior design, crowd sourcing site that saves consumers time and up to 90% on the cost of interior design. Kremer-Construction is a boutique contractor, remodeler, handyman service also based out of Washington, DC and doing business in Northern Virginia. 


Qtect and Kremer Construction Phase I Marketing Campaign Overview

We managed the development campaign project plan for Qtect. Phase I of the campaign develops out the capability to launch the actual campaign. When we started, Qtect did not have any social media and had 0 search results in Google, the same for Kremer Construction. 












Search Optimization Campaign (SEO) 

If you look up Qtect in Google today you will find pages of relevant results about Qtect and will find links to their social media sites like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and others. All of these social media pages are professional looking and due to the Augur social media team (SMT) they look like they are active even though the company had not been launched at the time of development. We did this to avoid the sites looking like 'graveyard' pages which appear empty and unused. Always a bad sign for a company. 


If your business is not search optimized, then you are automatically losing customers to your competition.  Click here to see more on search optimization or use the convenient contact form.


This is a link to the Search Results for Qtect in Google (We did this well, Qtect had a page of SEO results within days.)


Social Media - Contemporary Marketing Embraces and Incorporates Social Media


*There are more examples as well, Kremer Construction is also on Pinterest and Flickr, etc. and our latest client Medical Learning Center is just published to Facebook.



If a client does not have a professional web page, it is highly recommended that one be developed. We consulted on the Qtect website but cannot take credit for it. However,  Augur has designed and published scores of websites, intranets, and landing pages.


Promotional Video Produced for This Campaign

Augur developed the following video for the campaign. This is a pre-campaign video used to generate interest in Qtect, to pique curiosity, and to generate brand awareness prior to the full campaign.  Augur has produced scores of promotional web videos for clients.


Potential customers are 85% more likely to make a purchase from you when you use a promotional video.


Visit our YouTube channel or call for more information.


Phase II - The Active Campaign - (Not Implemented but is a great example and template)


The active campaign includes targeting both interior designers and consumers who are about to begin an interior re-design project. The goals were to register 50 active designers onto the site before launch and to reach 100,000 consumers (high income, potential customers) in the DC Metro area resulting in 3 sign ups per day during the first month. 

The plan that we developed used social media, videos, press releases, promotional events, and direct marketing in a highly effective blitzkrieg. 

Distribute 3 press releases Click here to read press releases published by Augur. (One of the press releases that we wrote for the Gwendolyn Beck Campaign generated 480,000 headline impressions.:

  • Pre-launch

  • Launch

  • 1 month after launch.


Pre-Launch Campaign

The goals of the pre-launch campaign are to sign up as many designers as possible and to ensure that we have scores of active designers when the site is launched and to make people curious about Qtect. Intrigue is the most effective conversion tool (open an email, click on a link) and we wanted to create general awarewess for Qtect and to make people curious about the new company before the full campaign blitzkrieg.

  • Sign Up Designers (specifically target interior designers). We need to have at least 30 active designers on the day of the launch.

  • What is Qtect? Campaign (General DC Metro awareness and targeted to high income consumers, architects, designers). Includes a social media outreach campaign using the video with the same name.



  • Qtect Website Published and SEO Optimized

  • Launch Party - Promotional Event. These events are a guerrilla marketing tactic that brings the stakeholders, influencers, the press, and potential clients to you in one effort. It costs less than direct marketing and exactly targets your market. The post event press also generates mind share and typically leads to more sales as well. Click here to see the article related to the online launch party in the McLean Patch. The McLean Patch has an active readership of 20,000 readers a month and this article appeared on the first page. :-)

  • Press Release Announcing the Launch. Click here to read press releases published by Augur.

  • Outreach to the press, industry leaders

  • Massive Social Media Campaign utlizing all of the pages that we developed for Qtect including Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter. The campaign goal is to reach 100,000 targeted high income, home owners in one month. Reach out to online affinity groups, industry leaders, and top interior design bloggers.

  • Publication of the HQ Blog Articles


Our team includes video developers and producers, graphic artists, a full social media team (SMT), bloggers and HQ SEO writers.



Moyer Motorcars - Facebook Page

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